Kamis, 23 November 2017

Tradition of Cutting Finger In Tribe Dani Papua

Tradition of Cutting Finger In Tribe Dani Papua

Sadness and contemplation are the natural things we feel when we lose our loved ones. Various ways are done to express a sense of deep sorrow, and for a tribe in Papua that is Dani, cutting a finger is one form or way to show how much they lose their loved one.

In the Dani ethnic custom, the finger is defined as a symbol of harmony and strength in both human and family. If you try to look at the differences in each shape and also the length of a finger has a unity to lighten the burden of human labor. Fingers are also believed to work together to build a force so that the hand can function perfectly. Losing one of its sections will result in the inability of the hand in the work, so if one part is lost then the missing component together

In Dani's public belief, a dead person still has a relationship with those who are still alive. Well so that the relationship becomes balanced then the living human must surrender some of his spirit to the deceased person and their finger is the target of the sacrifice. Finger cutting is usually done by Dani women. When the husband dies then the wife must perform this finger cut tradition. And who do cutting the finger is done by the father and close relatives of the woman whose husband died.

This finger cutting process begins with a ceremony, then hands are tied between the fingers in order to cut and do not bleed much. Then the father, mother or close relative will take a machete to do the cutting. But before cutting the finger, the woman should read a special ritual prayer. After the prayer is finished then the finger is cut without the use of painkillers or whatever it is. In the tradition the Dani tribe believes that the deep sorrow and the wound of the hearts of those left behind by his family will be healed only if the wound from the finger has healed and it has not hurt anymore.

But now the government has given a ban to do this tradition cut this finger. Because this tradition is deemed less human, and with the existence of the rule there is no longer this tradition. But the traces of this tradition can still be seen in Dani's mothers and grandmothers whose fingers are cut off

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