Kamis, 23 November 2017

are "they" really there ? 7 most mysterious place in indonesia

Nusantara which lay from Sabang until Merauke has so many incredible things. even there are 7 most mysterious place in indonesia which attract so many people to come, the people is come from indonesia and also foreign people.

so which place is the most mysterious place in Indonesia ? check it out !

1. Kota Gaib Saranjana 

Located in south Kalimantan, Saranjan city known as the most haunted place for Borneo civilian. this place is called as a magic city. Saranjana is a little island that actually has a great potential to be a wonderful tourism object. but there are no civilians in there. People believed that this little island is inhabited by Jin. that's why this island called Magic city

one of the story from Saranjana is there's a businessman from Jakarta who wants to deliver heavy equipment to a person in Saranjan. after delivered , and been search, it can be found anywhere.

how could that possible? the backpacker , Tourist and traveler, do you dare to explore the beauty of this city ?

2. Kabupaten Pati

Kabupaten pati is located in north section of Middle Java, it is near Jepara, Kudus, Rembang , Blora , and Grobongan. this region is also known as 1000 paranormal city. Pati is also known as religious tourism object. Syekh Ahmad Mutamikkin grave which is came by government , started from minister and president. Syekh jagung grace or Saridin in Kayen , even Nyai Ageng Ngerang Grave in Tambakromo

this "1000 paranormal city" surrounded by walliyullah graves. in the west there's Kanjeng Sunan Kalijaga Grave in Demak, Sunan Kudus in Kudus, Sunan Muria grave located on top of Muria mountain. in pati , found may haunted location that could be an interesting tourism object.''

even seprapat island which located in Juwana , is come by many people to find "pesugihan" which known as " pesugihan kera". but not every people granted their wishes.

3. Kota Pontianak

Pontianak is come from a word in java , Pontianak which means "kuntilanak" (a ghost in indonesia). this city in khatulistiwa is familiar with mystic history. this city used to be a jungle which located in 3 river , Kapuas , Little kapuas and Landak. in here , there are many tourism object to come

4. Kota Ketapang

Padang 12 is a place located in Ketapang city, West Kalimantan which is 12.000 m square. but there are no people in this region. there are only grasses, trees and it's really silent.

people said that this place is lived by many Jin, there are possibly a kingdom of jin so there are many vision and interuption to the people who lived in there. but people called them as the right human. they didn't have nose like voldemort physically in Harrypotter. that right human named "orang limun"
which mean honest man, sacredman. are they somekind of Gods ? Angels? come and take a look for yourself!
5. Kota Yogyakarta

Selain surga wisata alam dan budaya, Jogja juga menyimpan segudang misteri. Kota ini tidak lepas dari sebuah ritual dan tradisi mistis yang sangat kental, seperti jamasan pusaka bersejarah, keris, larung sesaji untuk penguasa Pantai Selatan Nyi Roro Kidul, hingga tradisi malam satu syuro menggelar upacara di daerah wisata Kaliurang.

Selain Jogja, Solo sebetulnya bisa dikatakan kuat dengan tradisi dan budaya Jawa-nya yang mistis. Uniknya, tradisi dan budaya yang penuh dengan misteri di Jogja dan Solo justru menarik wisatawan, baik turis asing dari berbagai negara di dunia hingga wisatawan domestik, lokal.

besides as the heaven of natural and cultural tourism object , Jogja also has many mysteries. this city is familiar with ritual and mystic tradition such as keris , jamasan pusaka bersejarah, larung sesaji for the Master of south beach , Nyi roro kidu to malam 1 syuro held a ceremony in kaliurang.

6. Banyuwangi

Banyuwangi is a region that located in east corner of Java, like bali , Banyuwangi people , is really mystic , klenik and spiritual since the people in banyuwangi keep their tradition , culture , and rules.
back in the old days, this region called Santet city is famous for the paranormal activity,  santet and etc. just like harry potter huh ?. even public is shocked by banyuwangi santet tragedy when hundreds of paranormal get killed.

7. Kota Gaib Blora

Alas bonggan is jati jungle which also known haunted place and mystic in Blora, Middle Java. this haunted place made Sumber kencana bus, Semen Gresik Truck  lost. many people think that alas bonggan is mystical city in blora which full of mystery. in there people there are the limit between mystic world and our world. western people called this strange phenomenon as a time journey.

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