so for you guys who haven't come to this place yet , this article will probably help you to know about the tourism object in Raja Ampat so if you have chance to come you can pick your destination directly as you wish.
well, here is the list of Tourism Object in Raja Ampat Island that would be unfortunate to miss
1. Wayag Island
Wayag island is located in West Waigo Village, Raja Ampat region, West Papua. you can come in to this island by going through an 6 hours trip from Sorong in to Wayag Island. the amount of money you have to prepared to enjoy this place is about Rp.6.000.000,000 !! wow .... what an amount of money ... but you will never regret the money you spent because when you get here you will see the beauty of Raja Ampat.
There will be groups of little islands, these little islands is islands that is full with trees. When you come here and sail away with boats, you can see the blue sea combine with the green islands that will make you never get bored to come , over and over again.
Well , what makes it interesting is since the water is so clear that we can see the fishes beneath the sea with the coral reefs that grows really well. the environment in this island is still very beautiful and clean.
One place you have to go if you come in to this region is Coral island, here you are invited not only to see the beauty of view under the sea but you're also challenge to climb in to the top of the island with a 90 degrees slope which takes about 30 minutes to reach the top. it will drain you physics and stamina for sure.
From the top of the island, the view will hypnotize you to always look in to the beauty of it which all this you can only saw through television. Wayag Island is one of the most famous tourism object in Raja Ampat.
This preening activity has a lot of advantages such as clean up the parasite and wound on their body. this's really a rare view to enjoy
In Waigeo there are 2 beauty salon for these manta ray. But, remember you have to borrow a hook for your safety when you watch this rare view. it's because of strong flow in this area. Also you will need a guide to deliver you in to this salon, because if you don't know how to conquer these ray they will run away from you.
2. Misool Island
Misool island is one of 4 biggest islands in Raja Ampat, West Papua. it border with Seram sea which become a traffic for big animals such as whales.
You can enjoy the beauty of this island without get bothered with other people because it's an abandoned island. there's no need to doubt the beauty of this island. why ? it's because it fulls of groups of coral island in the west and east side.
The beauty of this island can be feel even if you haven't swim yet , the water is really clean and has turquoise color which is really wonderful. this abandoned island has white sand in its beach which surrounded by tropical trees and mangrove
The interesting thing is , in this Misool island the sea show the blue water mangrove which is full by many kind of fish. This island started to get famous after a journalist took a picture of it which show the beauty under the sea
3. Manta-ray Washing Station
well, what do you think when you heard the name of this place ? interesting right ? maybe you're getting curious about it. Actually it's only a name for manta rays preening activity, why people said that the manta ray was preening ? it's because they can spent a lot of time just to clean up their self, well who said only women can spent a lot of time for make up ?
The interesting thing is, they didn't clean up their body on their own , it's the little fish who did the whole clean up thing like washing a car. So, after a manta ray has been cleaned, these groups of little fish will move to clean up another manta ray.
Imagine how interesting this rare view, when you watch this Manta ray preen , the 5 m manta ray lying above your head , waiting for its turn to be cleaned by the little fish like an army of angle fish that never tired and always do their duty
In Waigeo there are 2 beauty salon for these manta ray. But, remember you have to borrow a hook for your safety when you watch this rare view. it's because of strong flow in this area. Also you will need a guide to deliver you in to this salon, because if you don't know how to conquer these ray they will run away from you.
4. Salawati Island
Salawati island is silent witness of how cruel the World War II is. in Raja Ampat especially in Salawati island there are many pieces of War Ship and Jets that sink such as Sinwa Marus, P40 jets , Word War II war machine which still stay in the seabed
Those pieces of machine has become a tourist destination that gives a new amazing and beautiful view since that pieces has already transformed in to place which full by many of fish plus , a clean water and beautiful environment. these combination of beauty attract many people to come in to this island
well those are the places we recommend you to go if you have a chance to come in to one of the Worlds Paradise , Raja Ampat.
Wow, Indonesia is very different..
BalasHapusThanks for the info. I'm planning on going to raja ampat next holiday, so this article helps a lot